Challenges You May Face When Suing For Injuries To Your Child From A Trampoline

Law Articles

If your child was left severely injured from a trampoline accident while at a friend's house, you may wonder what your rights are in this situation. Trampolines can be very dangerous, even if they are used properly, and there were over 1 million visits to emergency rooms between 2002 to 2011 for injuries relating to trampolines. If your child was injured, you might be able to sue the person who owned the trampoline; however, you might run into some challenges when you do this.

8 December 2016

Can You Use Secret Recordings As Evidence In A Divorce Case?

Law Articles

The high-quality microphones on modern cell phones and sheer number of recording apps make it easy to surreptitiously capture conversations and other audio without anyone knowing. Having a USB device filled with clips of your ex saying something incriminating or making certain promises doesn't automatically mean it can be used in court, though. Here's what you need to know about using secret recordings in your divorce case. Notification Requirements The very first question you'll have to answer about your secret recordings is whether you obtained them legally or not.

25 October 2016

Bridges & Car Accidents: Fear, Anxiety, & Settlement Cases

Law Articles

Were you recently a victim of a car accident on a bridge? That's a scary situation that might cause fear and anxiety long after the accident occurred. If you decide to move forward with a settlement case, there are many factors associated with the bridge that can become a part of the case evidence. By consulting with a car accident attorney, you can break down these different elements and help you recover and get to end of your settlement case.

5 August 2016

Self-Harm Prevention: Teen Injured From Laser Hair Treatment? Here's What You Need To Know

Law Articles

If your teen has been diagnosed with self-harm and is at risk of cutting themselves when they shave, you'll need to provide your teen with a safe alternative to shaving. One way to remove unwanted hair is by getting laser hair removal treatments. However, if the treatments are not done correctly, your teen's skin may be injured by the laser. Here's what you need to know about laser hair treatment and how a medical negligence lawyer can help if your teen gets injured.

10 June 2016

Opening a Bar? 3 Tips for Success

Law Articles

Owning and running a bar can be an exciting and rewarding enterprise. It can also be a lucrative investment if you play your cards right. However, if you want your new bar to be a success, there are some things that you have to do right off the bat. Take a look at some of the most important first steps that you have to think about, so that you can ensure that your bar will get off on the right foot.

20 May 2016

Charged With Texting While Driving In Louisiana? What Are Your Options?

Law Articles

If you've recently been cited for unlawfully using your cell phone while traveling one of Louisiana's highways, you may be dismayed at the thought of having to pay a hefty fine while dealing with increased auto insurance costs for years to come. In some cases, insult may be added to economic injury after you're charged with a misdemeanor (such as reckless driving) for your cell phone usage behind the wheel. Are there any potential defenses against a charge of texting while driving, or will you be forced to take your lumps and go hands-free?

11 May 2016

Fired or Demoted for Taking a Health-Related Leave of Absence? What Are Your Options?

Law Articles

While practical advice dictates that stress should be avoided as much as possible when recuperating from a serious injury or illness, modern life often makes this task impossible—juggling work obligations and family needs while dealing with the medical bills resulting from your hospitalization or other procedure is often enough to sideline anyone's recovery. Returning to work only to find out that you've been reassigned (or worse, terminated) from your position can seem like the bitter icing on an inedible cake.

6 April 2016

3 Ways A Real Estate Attorney Will Protect You When Purchasing Your First Home

Law Articles

If you are getting ready to purchase your first home, you may want to consider hiring a real estate attorney for help. While you can purchase a home without an attorney, having an attorney is helpful for many reasons. Here are three important things your attorney will do to make sure you are protected during the home-buying process. Add Contingencies To Your Purchase Agreement One of the most important parts of writing a purchase agreement for the home you want to buy is making sure it offers a way out.

7 March 2016

Understanding Your Options For Diversion Programs When You Are Charged With Drug Possession


If you are facing charges of drug possession for personal use, you should consult an attorney about potential diversion programs offered by your state. Diversion programs are designed to prevent people without a history of offences to avoid the legal system for minor, nonviolent offences such as possession of certain drugs. They usually include treatment in the form of counseling as opposed to punishment and may include restitution to the state or to a third party.

5 February 2016

Can You Use Credit History For Employment Purposes?

Law Articles

Banks and other financial institutions routinely use consumers' credit history to make decisions about lending. Credit reports help financial institutions decide if somebody is likely to make the repayments on a loan and can also help banks show that they make responsible lending decisions. However, some businesses also ask applicants and employees to provide their credit history when they apply for a job. Is this legal? Find out here. Why companies ask for this information

15 January 2016