You've probably watched TV shows that show a family reading a person's will after the person dies. This moment in the show is generally revealing, shocking, and emotional. While reading a will in real life can also be these things, it's generally not as dramatic. However, having a will is always vital, regardless of your wealth. So, do you need a will? The answer is yes. Everyone should have one, and here is a guide explaining several vital things about wills.
30 March 2023
You might believe that exiting the workforce is the last thing you want to do. But if you have a disability, you might wonder if you can continue to work. The best way to find out is to consult your primary care physician and a Social Security Disability (SSDI) attorney. Substantial Gainful Employment From the Social Security Administration's (SSA) perspective, you are entitled to SSDI benefits when you cannot engage in gainful employment.
9 March 2023
Witnesses can make or break your personal injury case. How you manage their involvement from the first moments after a car accident will go a long way to helping you build a strong case. So, what should you and not do with witnesses? Here are a few key do's and don'ts. Do Ask Right Away Many victims should begin looking for witnesses as soon as the accident occurs. Your first priority, of course, is your health and safety.
7 February 2023
One of the advantages of being in a marriage is that couples share financial obligations. As such, this prevents one parent from shouldering the burden of providing for the family and paying monthly bills. Unfortunately, couples with this arrangement in their family usually face financial problems after dissolving their marriage. This is especially the case when each partner takes care of their financial responsibilities. However, through proper planning, you can avoid financial challenges after divorce.
9 January 2023
Many people end up helping friends or family move at some point in their lives. But what happens if you're doing someone a favor and you're injured in the process? Is your friend liable? Is someone else liable? And how can you make it less awkward for all? Here are the answers to your most important questions. Is Your Friend Liable? The responsibility for injuries always depends on the specifics of the incident.
9 December 2022
To be qualified for SSDI benefits, you must have a medical condition that interferes with your ability to engage in substantially gainful employment. If you have heart arrhythmia, you might wonder if the condition will cause you to be eligible for SSDI benefits. How Heart Arrhythmia Works Your heart has a natural rhythm that is maintained by a group of cells referred to as the "pacemaker cells." These cells send electrical signals that cause your heart to contract.
11 November 2022
Many companies use semi-trucks to transport goods over long distances, e.g., to different states. This creates numerous job opportunities for drivers and other staff. Yet, the presence of these vehicles on the road can sometimes increase the risk of catastrophic crashes. This is especially true when trucking companies and truckers do not take the necessary safety measures. In such cases, passenger vehicle drivers and other road users can face the hazards discussed below:
12 October 2022