Extending Your Student Visa

A student visa that lets you study at the university of your choice is a terrific thing for you. But what happens if your studies take longer than you planned? On top of exams and term papers, you may have to worry about your student visa expiring. That’s where an immigration lawyer can be your best friend. Understanding how immigration laws work can be the first step to making sure that you keep your student visa in good standing. My blog is all about immigration issues, especially those faced by foreign students. Check out the articles for more information that you can use to complete your studies in the country you chose to study in.

Documents to Give Your Personal Injury Lawyer

Law Blog

When you get injuries after an accident, you need a personal injury attorney to help you settle the claims and get compensation for medical expenses. However, there are some documents you should carry when meeting with your attorney to support your case. Here are essential documents you should hand over to your personal injury services. 


Taking photographs of the accident can help prove the extent of property damage or injury. If you're involved in a car collision, take photos of your car and those of other motorists. As you take the photos, ensure that you catch the license numbers, the damaged parts, and the road condition.  

Also, take pictures of the injuries immediately since inflammation or bruising may disappear after a while. If your phone camera is damaged, you can request witnesses to take the photos. The pictures can help personal injury services prove your injuries and help you get your rightful benefits. 

Police Report

After an accident, the police officer who handles the accident case writes a report. The report explains the cause of the accident, the names of the motorists involved, insurance details, and some witness statements. Therefore, the information can help your personal injury attorney to determine who's liable for an accident. Ensure that you have multiple copies of the report since only the court may access the original document.

Personal Notes

You need to write some personal notes regarding the accident even after narrating your case to the police. Writing these notes can help you remember fine details that you may not easily remember. In return, your attorney can have intricate details about the accident and have enough information to build a strong argument. Also, having a personal outline of events helps you avoid inconsistencies in your case.  

Medical Records

When you get injured due to an accident, you need to visit a hospital for treatment. If so, ensure that you keep all the medical reports explaining the injuries and treatment plan. Additionally, keep all receipts of payment. These documents can help your personal injury services to show the exact amount of cash you spent on treatment. Further, if the doctors reveal that the injuries are severe and cause a disability, you can get compensation for losing your job due to disability.

Medical records, personal notes, police reports, and photos are documents you should hand over to your personal injury services. You should provide accurate documents to strengthen your personal injury case.


9 August 2021